Wednesday, August 29, 2012
So here's the news: I'm preggers! To be precise, I'm exactly 14 weeks in (or about 3 1/2 months). Yup, exciting and scary at the same time!!! As much as I'm already dreading the upcoming months (increase fatigue, water retention in legs, bathroom runs every hour, not to mention all that weight gain and potential stretch marks), but I'm not about to flush my sense of style down the drain too! In fact, I think getting pampered and a new maternity wardrobe was my only source of comfort during my last pregnancy.
First thing first, I need some good maternity jeans, especially since my 2nd and 3rd trimesters will be in fall/winter seasons. For that, I obviously, I turned to J Brand's maternity collection, Mama J. As far as maternity denim goes, it's only been less than 3 years since my first pregnancy with Ayden, and already, it seems like generations ago in the denim world!
Instead of the dreadful full panel (which I owned 2 pairs), the Mama J offers discrete yet comfortable side panels - much closer to regular jeans fitting and look like regular designer jeans. On the practical side, I won't have to wait to my tummy to "grow into" the full panel and can even wear them proudly postpartum!
And that's why I bought two pairs: one in black and one indigo!
Check out topshop maternity as well. Super cute stuff that you can totally wear afterwards like this coat!
thanks! I forgot about Topshop's maternity line